Thursday, August 4, 2011

Procrastinate = Understatement

What I do while I'm putting off doing what I need to do is blog. When I'm writing here or reading someone else's blog I can get lost for hours in words and ideas. That and Facebook and my newest obsession... Pinterest.

Pinterest is an online idea board. You pin whatever inspires you, be it sayings like this one or the newest fashions or pictures of rooms you'd like to duplicate in your house or food you might want to try, to your board. I have 5 boards and I'm finding lots of interesting stuff to pin. And I'm excited over the ideas it's generating in my head. Pop on over to Pinterest and check it out. If you'd like an invite, let me know and I'll send you one.

But back to my procrastinating ways... how can I make blogging pay?

1 comment:

latter-daymom said...

I am completely blank thinking of how you can make blogging pay! Maybe you can write for a newspaper or book publisher.