Saturday, July 30, 2011

You know you're in Utah when...

There's an old joke that in Utah you always lock your car doors when you are at church. It's not to keep someone from stealing the car... it's to prevent your neighbors from leaving zucchini in your back seat.

Apparently that goes for front porches as well. While I was out this evening I was the victim of a drive-by zucchini-ing!

There are also some crooknecks, a green pepper, green beans, sugar peas and cherry tomatoes hiding in there. I love it! And I love you Jerry and Verna! Even though now I am going to have to cook... I haven't used the zucchini and crookneck I brought home from Church last week yet. And added to the peaches, strawberries, bananas, spinach and cantaloupe I bought at the grocery store a couple of days ago and the green beans and chard from the Farmer's Market this morning, I see lots of vegetables and fruit in my immediate future!

Anybody have some great recipes to share?

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