Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday Favorites

And this week's Friday Favorites are:

1. Just discovered this site by a local interior designer and feel inspired to look at the spaces in my home in whole new ways. Be sure to enter the contest for his book on creative kitchen spaces!

2. I remember watching this every day after school as a kid... silly and sentimental but it makes me smile!

3. Browsing sites like this only makes that longing more intense to adopt a sibling group. I really gotta get me together and do it...

4. Just like a good friend - comfortable, comforting and full of sage advice, Sunday School lesson plans and other spiritual ponderings.

5. Speak with kindness; Act in love. That's the saying I want a vinyl of for this certain space in the hall between some bedrooms. I've known I wanted a vinyl and been thinking about what I wanted it to say for a long while. It's on my list of little treats for when I have income again.

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