Wednesday, July 31, 2013


I know he's faced more than his share of difficulties, some past and more in the here and now... and that made his poignant words so much more meaningful and eloquent.


We have been taught that words have power. And this is very true. Words can elate, wound, support, undermine, inspire, and demoralize. But sometimes we forget that words can also be without substance. We tell people that we are proud of them, supportive of them, even love them, and think that is all we need. We think we have been a good person and have enhanced the lives of the people we care about.

But at other times, we find ourselves in an uncomfortable position with someone. We see them making choices that we feel are wrong, or even dangerous. We watch them in pain, or lost in their lives. We hear them sharing situations in their lives that we don’t understand, or feel opposed to. At these points, we may not know what to do, so we retreat and hope things get better. We avoid the things that make us uncomfortable and tell ourselves that we care and just don't know how to help.

But, if we truly care, and if we truly are worried about the welfare of someone, why in the world DON'T we say anything? If we see someone headed down what we believe to be a dangerous path, WHY aren't we speaking up, sharing our concerns, seeking understanding, and fighting for that person? Why do we leave them to weather the storm on their own? Is it enough for us to remain silent and feel content that we will be there for them should they return to our perceived correct path?

We say we care, but how much do we care? Enough to actually take action? Sometimes it is amazing how much the simple act of showing up can mean to someone. Sometimes a cup of coffee, a movie, a drive, or even a hug can make a world of difference.

I know I have been guilty of this in the past, but I resolve to watch for those opportunities where I can take meaningful action as well as share the kind and supportive words.

Justin Larson

1 comment:

Julie Newman said...

Sometimes, especially when my kids were teens, trying to approach them about things was always touchy. They seemed to do the exact opposite of what I thought they should do. I wish I could say that this has gone a way as they have grown up, while it has lessened the older they get, it is still there, they have to learn things their own way, even though it is often painful to watch. But relationships evolve (hopefully) and you can create the space to be supportive of them regardless of what choices they make and let them know you love them regardless of these choices. I think a lot of times people (me included) do nothing out of fear of being rejected or hurting that persons feelings and this is often sad because you both miss out on the opportunity to understand each other better and to help that person who is struggling know they are not alone.