Sunday, January 8, 2012

Live Like You Believe

An observer once wrote about George Albert Smith: "His religion is not doctrine in cold storage. It is not theory.  It means more to him than a beautiful plan to be admired.  It is more than a philosophy of life.  To one of his practical turn of mind, religion is the spirit in which a man lives, in which he does things, if it be only to say a kind word or give a cup of cold water.  His religion must find expression in deeds. It must carry over into the details of daily life."

Many times I've said our actions are the natural outpouring of our faith.  If we believe in a God who does good things for us, we will do good for each other.  This was the subject of today's Relief Society lesson... basically reminding each of us to live like we believe.  It made me think of this 10-minute video.

And after I came home and searched out the video again, it made me wonder what my excuse is... Surely, if he could, then I can.

1 comment:

Angela said...

sure makes you think, Thank you for sharing!