(Let me pause for a moment to say this: I do not believe in hoarding, buying up gold, or stashing away large amounts of cash. The Bible has plenty to say about what happens when we store up treasures on earth and my faith rests in the Lord for all needs.)By some the act of storing a supply of food and other necessary supplies against the hard times that are predicted in our future is seen as hoarding. I accept that as their viewpoint. And if they choose not to stockpile these life sustaining necessities that is their God-given right. Just as it is my right to keep a working

Let's consider some spiritual aspects of being prepared to survive future emergencies and urgencies. Looking to the Bible for guidance, God directed Joseph (who was carried away to Egypt and gained a position of trust in Pharoah's household) to store up grain against a seven year famine. Because he did so, he was able to save his own family when they came destitute and hungry thereby preserving the lineage of all Israel. Now, if we read the Bible because there are lessons for us to learn, what do we learn from Joseph? I draw from it the need to shore up both my temporal and spiritual supplies against future calamity.
If you read through the New Testament, you're likely familiar with the story of the loaves and fishes. Yes, it demonstrates a great miracle of God's power in multiplying just a small amount of food into enough to feed a crowd. But look at the context. A large group of hungry people were gathered to learn from the Master. Did He choose to speak great truths to them first? No. He made sure their temporal needs were met then He taught them. You can't effectively share the Gospel with those who are physically starving. And that includes yourself.
From a practical standpoint, food storage encourages you to take advantage of sales. Your limited resource, money, then stretches a little farther. Rotating through your food storage makes you plan meals to use items before they expire. I know I am much less stressed when I know what I'm cooking that day rather than having to scramble at the last minute. Having a supply of food already available in your home cuts down on last minute shopping trips and, thereby, unplanned purchases which are often junk food. Done right, food storage promotes healthy eating because the best foods to store are the basic, and often minimally processed, ingredients for a meal. Many of the fruits and vegetables in my store room came from my own garden so I know how they were grown, when they were picked and exactly how much sugar and salt were used in preserving them. And finally, if there is a huge disaster food will become the most highly valued currency of all.
Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established: And by knowledge shall the chamber be filled with all precious and pleasant riches. Proverbs 24:3-4
If this is hoarding, then yes, I do believe in it!
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