Every now and then I find myself repeating an apology for a prolonged absence... I must not be all that penitent because I keep doing it so I'm going to skip the I'm sorry part and just let you know that I spent a lot of the last month finding me and reconnecting my psyche with passions that had been put aside. You know those things that probably contributed a big share in losing touch with myself and having that major crash...
Being away from blogging was actually a very good thing for me. And I invite you to rejoice in that! I'm more ready than ever to put the nightmare of the past couple of years behind me and move on to a bright and wonderful future.
The first thing I'm doing is adjusting my attitude. With all the health problems, financial problems, relationship problems, even more serious relationship problems, still even more serious relationship problems, questioning everything I knew about life, love, God, the world... yeah, living has felt like an ordeal at times.
I'm letting loose of the relationship woes. I did what was in my power to make things work and to seek forgiveness and reconciliation for my wrongs. That's all I can do. So I'm just letting it go. I'm giving up on the apology that's definitely owed me but I know will never come. My next chapter starts now. And it's all about adventure!
I'm taking care of me first. For the longest time I couldn't even think of things that I used to be interested in or would see as fun. A couple of weeks ago, though, I had a breakthrough. I pulled out a quilt top I'd started years ago and got too busy so it was set aside and never finished. Somehow it made it on the truck for my move and in a few weeks it will be all finished. There was even enough spare fabric folded up with it to make some throw pillows. My plan is to put these on my future couch. I also pulled out the sketch book and noticed that I used to do some pretty awesome sketches. I've been saving inspiration pictures to pick that hobby up again and studying artists whose style I like. I've also done some research into what kind of colored pencils I need to get so that I'll be able to do some intricately shaded florals. A few other long lost loves I'm planning to reconnect with is the Farmer's Market for Saturday breakfast and a little shopping, adding to my collection of antique silver spoons (and finishing out the big set of Columbia silverware), expanding my culinary skills by trying new foods and cooking methods and gardening.
Yes, I know I say every year that I want to garden in the coming spring and I haven't managed to make it happen for about 5 years now. Whether I end up staying in this very house where I have plenty of room to do it right or have to start over again on my own and have flower pots on a balcony, I swear by Heaven's Most Almighty Powers 2015 will see me have a garden!
I'm going back on the job market. Despite being chewed up and spit out like yesterday's bubble gum, I know I have skills. And someone out there is going to have the intelligence to recognize that and get one heck of deal when they make me an employee.
I'm going back on the social market, too. I moved to Georgia with the promise and expectation of being pulled into a big, happy, close-knit family. I had the promise and expectation of being introduced to their business contacts and friends. Both were over promised and vastly under delivered... I found myself financially taken advantage of, stranded, lonely, isolated, far from anyone I knew and feeling very much like I didn't quite fit in. No more! I've started to develop my own unique social network. I've met the neighbors. I've found a wonderful group of like-minded folks in my church congregation. I've already planned out a couple of evening classes for next year and a respectable list of events and places to visit where I'll no doubt meet other people with at least that specific interest in common.
I have real, honest, achievable goals. They are all written out in detail, broken down into smaller steps and the work has begun. I hope you'll stick around for the ride... it's going to be a heck of a show!!