Thursday, March 12, 2009

Big Love? No Love!!

Like everyone else, I've heard the rumblings about the HBO series Big Love airing a portion of the Endowment Ceremony held in LDS Temples. I know some who are furious about it. I'm not. I don't agree with their decision, but trusting that somehow God will use it to bring about His purposes, I'm not overly concerned. I think that HBO and the series creators and producers are showing an extreme of bad taste and disrespect. And sadly, in today's world that doesn't surprise me.

I guess for me, the crux of it is, what you hear in the Temple isn't something new and shocking. It's the same basic principles of why man exists and his relationship with his Creator. Everything there is uplifting and edifying. You get out of it exactly the preparation you put into participating.

This recently released video clip from the Church does a good job explaining the purpose of Temples. I like the different perspectives that are offered by clergy of other faiths. I encourage you to watch and if you have questions, ask.

Why Mormons Build Temples

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